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Online services

File notifications online at

The Finnish Business Information System at is a service jointly provided by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) and the Finnish Tax Administration.

Companies or organisations should file with the PRH Trade Register and the registers of the Tax Administration when
  • starting a business
  • altering the business
  • terminating the business.

File notifications in our online service at or use paper forms (Y forms) if online filing is not possible. See the company types that can use online filing at note that the online service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.

Associations must file notifications in the online filing service of the Register of Associations.Open link in a new tab

The Tax Administration’s MyTax serviceOpen link in a new tab is for handling tax matters.

Who can file notifications online at

You can file notifications in our online service at if you meet all the following requirements:
  • You are aged 18 or over
  • You have a Finnish personal identity code
  • You have personal internet banking codes, a mobile certificate or an electronic identity card (HST card).

Read more about who has the right to sign notifications online at

Cost of filing

Most notifications to the Trade Register are subject to a fee. Read more aboutthe Trade Register handling fees and payment instructions on our website: www.prh.fiOpen link in a new tab

Notifications to the Tax Administration are always free of charge.

More information

Read our tips and instructions for filing notifications in our online service at in the menu on the left.

We have a video in English explaining how a private trader can start a business on our YouTube channel.Open link in a new tab

We advise on matters associated with the Trade Register, Register of Associations and Register of Foundations.Instructions are available on our website, link in a new tab

The Tax Administration advises on tax matters. Instructions are available on the website, link in a new tab

The contact details of the Finnish Business Information System (BIS at are in the footer.