Start-up notification for associations, religious communities, and chambers of commerce (Y1a)
Use the Y forms if you cannot file your notification online at in Finnish or Swedish.
Please note that it is cheaper and faster to found an association online. The online filing service is available in Finnish and Swedish. The guided process in the online filing service helps you to create rules for the association and file other necessary details.
The details you enter on the form will be publicly available to everyone.
Do not enter personal identity codes or the contact person’s contact details on the form. You can enter this information on a separate personal data form and enclose it with your notification.
Detailed guidance:When do I need to fill in a start-up notification Y1a?
Use start-up notification Y1a to register an association, a chamber of commerce, a religious community or a congregation with the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) and the Finnish Tax Administration.
Use this form if the organisation being set up is
- a non-profit association
- a chamber of commerce
- a religious community or a local community or a congregation of a religious community.
Enclose an appendix form of the PRH applicable to your organisation.
If your organisation already has a Finnish Business ID, use form Y4a to file changes or to notify of termination.
With a few exceptions, all the notifications to the Finnish Register of Associations and Register of Religious Communities are subject to a fee.
Notifications to the Finnish Tax Administration are always free of charge.
Where do I send the notification?
Select the address applicable to your organisation.
Please note that notifications of religious communities must be sent to a different address than other notifications.
Send start-up notifications of religious communities to: Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus, Uskonnollisten yhdyskuntien rekisteri, 00091 PRH.
Send start-up notifications of associations to: PRH - Verohallinto, Yritystietojärjestelmä, PL 2000, 00231 Helsinki.
How do I fill in form Y1a?
Fill in the form before printing it. Remember to sign the form.
Do not enter personal identity codes or the contact person’s contact details on the form. You can enter this information on a separate personal data form and enclose it with your notification.
Yhteisön nimi, kotipaikka ja kieli / Samfundets namn, hemort och språk (Name of organisation, municipality where the organisation is based (domicile), and language)
Write the name of your organisation on the form. The PRH will not check the registrability of the name before your notification is being processed.
Enter the municipality where the organisation is based (kotipaikka). It must be a municipality in Finland.
Enter the language of the organisation.
Rekisteröinnin ajankohtaa koskeva pyyntö yhdistysrekisteriin / Begäran som gäller registrering i föreningsregistret (I request for registration in the Finnish Register of Associations on a certain date)
Tick the box if you are requesting registration on a certain date (for example, an accelerated processing request). Please enclose a separate letter explaining your reasons for the request.
Yhteisön julkiset yhteystiedot / Offentliga kontaktuppgifter (Contact details of the organisation for public use)
Enter the contact details of the organisation. An organisation registering with the Finnish Register of Associations must have a postal address. You can also enter other contact details for your organisation, such as an email address, telephone number, or website address.
Please note that these contact details for public use will be available for anyone in the company and organisation search at
Enter the postal address of the organisation. Enter the address details as follows:
- Postiosoite / Postadress (Postal address): name of the street or road
- Talon nro / Husnr (Building no): an address number of a house can also include a letter, hyphen or slash.
- Porras / Trappa (Entrance no): staircase letter, if any, or the abbreviation Apt.
- Huoneiston nro / Lägenhet (Apartment no): the apartment number, and a divider, if any
- PL / PB (PO Box no): the PO Box number
- Postinumero / Postnummer (Postal code)
- Postitoimipaikka / Postkontor (Town or city)
If you want to register the postal address of another organisation or person as the postal address for your organisation, enter the name of the organisation or person in the c/o field.
If the organisation has a postal address outside Finland, enter it under Ulkomainen postiosoite / Utländsk postadress.
This postal address will be transmitted to the Finnish Tax Administration if the organisation also registers with the registers of the Finnish Tax Administration.
Yhteisömuoto / Samfundsform (Type of organisation)
Select type of organisation:
- aatteellinen yhdistys / ideell förening (non-profit association)
- kauppakamari / handelskammare (chamber of commerce)
- uskonnollinen yhdyskunta / religionssamfund (religious community)
- paikallisyhteisö tai seurakunta / lokalsamfund eller församling (local community or congregation)
- muu yhdistys / annan förening (other association), for instance a local hunters' association, a fisheries region or other association under public law.
Liitelomakkeet / Bilageblanketter (Appendix forms)
Select and fill in a form applicable to your organisation:
- 12a Yhdistys tai kauppakamari / Förening eller handelskammare (Association or chamber of commerce)
- 12b Uskonnollinen yhdyskunta /Religionssamfund (Religious community)
- 12c Paikallisyhteisö tai seurakunta / Lokalsamfund eller församling (Local community, or congregation)
- If you register with the registers of the Finnish Tax Administration, fill in the following form:
- 6212 Yhdistyksen tiedot Verohallinnolle / Föreningens uppgifter till Skatteförvaltningen (The association's details to the Finnish Tax Administration). Go to the instructions for filling in form 6212.
Please note that if the association is a based on Finnish special legislation, or if it is some other association that will not be entered in the Finnish Register of Associations, send the 6212 form together with the start-up notification Y1a to the Finnish Tax Administration.
Yhteyshenkilön nimi / Kontaktpersonens namn (Contact person)
Indicate the person or organisation that can provide further information about the notification.
Declare the contact details of the person providing further information using the personal data form. The contact details of the person providing further information are not public in notifications that become pending as of 1 January 2025.
The PRH will send this person or organisation a register extract or a request to correct the notification, if necessary. This contact person is always notification-specific.
Please note that if you do not indicate a contact person, the PRH will send correspondence to the organisation’s address.
Päiväys ja allekirjoitus / Datum och underskrift (Date and signature)
Add the date and printed name. Print out the form and sign it by hand.
The start-up notification is signed by a person responsible for filing the notification:
- Non-profit associations, chambers of commerce, or religious communities: the chairperson of the executive committee or an adult executive committee member filed with the register
- Local communities, or congregations: the chairperson of the religious community to which the organisation belongs, or an adult executive committee member filed with the register.
File information with the Finnish Tax Administration
Go to the instructions for filling in form 6212 (Yhdistyksen tiedot Verohallinnolle / Föreningens uppgifter till Skatteförvaltningen / The association's details to the Finnish Tax Administration).
Advisory service
If you need help to fill in the forms, contact our customer service:
- Finnish Patent and Registration Office: +358 29 509 5030
- Finnish Tax Administration: +358 29 497 051
Form Y1a and enclosures
Download paper forms
- Start-up notification Y1a (in Finnish) Use this form if the organisation being set up is a non-profit association,a chamber of commerce, a religious community or a local community or a congregation of a religious community. pdf
- Start up notification Y1a (in Swedish) pdf
- Form 6212 The association's details to the Finnish Tax Administration pdf
- Form 6212 (in Swedish) The association's details to the Finnish Tax Administration pdf
- Personal data form Use this form to file the non-public contact details of the persons responsible for the company. pdf