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Search instructions for the company and organisation search

You can use the company and organisation search at to search for information about companies or organisations that have a Business ID.

On this page, you can read more about the following:

Search criteria

You can search by using the following search criteria:

Type the Business ID or LEI code if you know it. You no longer need to type the Business ID with the hyphen, because the service will add the hyphen automatically.

You can type the whole name or part of it in the “Name of the company or organisation” field. The system will search for company and organisation names with the sequence of letters you have given.
Use the drop-down menu under “Company form” to search for companies or organisations according to company form. Select the correct alternative from the menu under the field.

Use the “Home municipality” field to search for companies according to domicile. Select the correct alternative from the menu under the field.

Use the “Main line of business” field to search for companies according to the main line of business filed with the Finnish Tax Administration. Select the correct alternative from the menu under the field.

You can select whether valid companies or close down companies are shown in the search results. The default is active companies.

Press the “Search” button.

Search results and company details

The service shows the search results in a table. If you wish to view a single company’s or organisation’s details, click on them in the table.

If the number of the search results is high, the service shows the 200 most relevant companies and organisations.

You can select whether the results are listed in alphabetical order or according to Business ID. If you select “Business ID”, the company or organisation with the smallest Business ID will be at the top of the list.

You can download the search results to your device as a CSV file.

How to save or print the details

The search function now involves a print button for printing the desired details.

Please note that if you are logged in and search for tax debt details concerning private traders (“toiminimiyrittäjät” in Finnish), the tax debt details are not displayed in the printout for the time being.

In addition to the button, you can print or save the details you have searched for as follows:

In the web browser, select Print… in the browser menu or use the PC keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + P. After that, do the following:

  • On Chrome, select Microsoft Print to PDF as the printer. Press More Settings and select Edited and 76% as the scale.
  • On Edge, select Microsoft Print to PDF as the printer. Press More Settings and select Scale (%) and 76.
  • On Firefox, select Save as PDF, for example, as the printer.

You can also use the computer’s print screen functions:

  • On PC computers, select an area to be saved on the screen by using the Windows Snipping Tool and save it as a picture to your device. You can also press the Print Screen button on your keyboard and paste the saved picture into a Word document, for example.
  • On an Apple computer, see the instructions for saving screenshots on Apple’s support site. Open link in a new tab

More details about companies and foundations in the PRH Information Services

You will find more details about the Finnish Trade Register, the Finnish Register of Foundations, enterprise mortgages, and financial statements in the PRH Virre Information Service. Go to Virre Information Service.Open link in a new tab

You will find more details about associations in the PRH Information Service of the Register of Associations. Go to the Information Service of the Finnish Register of Associations.Open link in a new tab