Notifications on amendments or termination on paper: forms and instructions for filling
If you cannot file your notification on amendments or termination of business online, file it on paper.
Proceed as follows:
- Save the PDF forms on your computer before filling them in.
- Fill in the organisation-specific notification form and the appendix forms. Print them and make sure that they are signed as required.
- Enclose the other necessary documents with your notification.
- If you file a notification subject to a fee, pay the fee and enclose the receipt.
- Before you send the forms, make sure that all the necessary documents are enclosed and that the notification is dated and signed as required.
Send your notification to: Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus (PRH) - Verohallinto, Yritystietojärjestelmä, PL 2000, 00231 HELSINKI.
You will also find the address at the top of the notification form.
Take special care of personal identity codes and home addresses
The Finnish Trade Register is a register for public use. Anyone is entitled to obtain information about the entries made in the register. This principle of open access also applies to all notifications and enclosures filed with the Finnish Trade Register.
When you send notifications, do not include any documents, such as minutes or partnership agreements, that contain personal identity codes, home addresses, or other sensitive details, such as health details.
If you file your notification using our paper forms, file the person’s identification details on a separate personal data form. Do not fill in personal identity codes or home addresses on any other notification forms.
Read more about the processing of personal data at the PRH at
Notification on amendments or termination of business: limited liability companies, co-operatives, savings bank, and foundations (Y4)
- Notification on amendments or termination of business Y4[pdf, 285.2 kt]
- Organisation-specific appendix forms:
- 13 Limited liability companies or public limited companies: most common changes
- 16 Limited liability companies: merger or demerger
- 14A Co-operatives: most common changes
- 17A Foundations: changes (under Act 487/2015 on Foundations)
- Personal data form[pdf, 197.3 kt]
Other documents:
- The receipt if you file a notification subject to a fee.
Go to the instructions for filling in form Y4.
Notification on amendments or termination of business: general partnerships, limited partnerships, and tax consortiums (Y5)
- Notification on amendments or termination of business Y5[pdf, 365.7 kt]
- Personal data form[pdf, 197.3 kt]
Other documents:
- The receipt if you file a notification subject to a fee with the Finnish Trade Register
Go to the instructions for filling in form Y5
Notification on amendments or termination of business: private traders, self-employed, and agricultural or forestry operators (Y6)
- Notification on amendments or termination of business Y6[pdf, 261.4 kt]
- Personal data form[pdf, 197.3 kt]
Other documents:
- The receipt if you file a notification subject to a fee with the Finnish Trade Register
Go to the instructions for filling in form Y6.
Notification on amendments or termination of business: associations, religious communities, and chambers of commerce (Y4a)
Forms in English:
- Notification on amendments or termination of business Y4a[pdf, 195.2 kt]
- Personal data form[pdf, 197.3 kt]
- Enclosure 6214 of the Finnish Tax Administration
Organisation-specific appendix forms (only in Finnish and Swedish):
- 19A Associations and chambers of commerce: notification of changes
- 19B Religious communities: notification of changes
- 20A Associations and chambers of commerce: notification of dissolution
- 20B Religious communities: notification of dissolution
- If you file changes to the association rules, enclose the new rules as a whole.
- The receipt if you file a notification subject to a fee with the Finnish Register of Associations or Register of Religious Communities.
Go to the instructions for filling in form Y4a.
Instructions for filling in the notifications on amendments or termination of business
Please follow the instructions when you fill in the forms.
Go to the instructions: