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How to report common changes using the online filing service at

Use the online filing service at to report changes in company details to the Finnish Trade Register. It is faster and cheaper to file changes online than on paper using Y forms.

The service is available in Finnish and Swedish.

To log into the online service, you need to have a Finnish personal identity code and, additionally, either personal Finnish internet banking codes, a mobile certificate, or an electronic identity card (HST card).

Proceed as follows

  1. Log into the online filing service at ytj.fiOpen link in a new tab using, for example, your personal internet banking codes.
  2. Select “Muuta yrityksen tietoja tai lähetä tilinpäätös” or ”Ändra företagets uppgifter eller skicka in bokslut” (Change company details or send financial statements).
  3. Enter the Business ID and continue.
    Select “Aloita uusi muutosilmoitus” or “Påbörja en ny ändringsanmälan” (Start a new notification of changes).
  4. Select the language of your notification, “suomi” (Finnish) or “ruotsi” (Swedish).
    Confirm that you, and any person who signs the notification, are authorised to file the changes.
  5. Enter the contact details of the person providing further information. The PRH may contact the person if anything in the notification is unclear.
    Please note that in the service, the details of the person providing further information will be saved in a form (a document). The information you give in your notification will be collected on the form. The form can then be bought in our Virre Information Service.
  6. If you are changing information such as the board of directors, managing director, house manager or articles of association, select ”Ilmoitan yleisiä muutoksia” or ”Jag anmäler allmänna ändringar” (I am reporting common changes) as the content of your notification.
    Tick the appropriate box(es).
    Please note that you cannot change your address or contact details here. A change of address must be filed separately. Read the instructions about how to change your address.Open link in a new tab
  7. Enter the details you want to submit to the Finnish Trade Register.
    Please note the following if you are making changes to the articles of association, rules or bylaws, or partnership agreement: only change items in the box if the company has decided to change them. If the box is empty or the articles of association change entirely, write or copy the entire text into the box.
  8. Add any necessary attachments (PDF or Word files) from your device.
    Select the type of attachment.
  9. Check and accept your notification.
    Select whether your company will use the online service or also paper forms for filing notifications in the future. Please be aware of the data security problems associated with paper forms.
    Sign by selecting ”Kyllä, allekirjoitan” or ”Ja, jag undertecknar” (Yes, I sign).
  10. Pay and send your notification.
    The service will calculate the fee automatically. You can pay the fee using your internet banking codes or by credit card.
    Please note that housing companies and mutual real estate limited companies can also pay the fee using an e-invoice.