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VAT number

In the EU area, businesses use value-added tax (VAT) numbers to indicate their VAT liability. With these numbers, businesses engaging in international trade can assure their partners that they have been registered for VAT.

You can obtain a VAT number by registering at the VAT Register, which is maintained by the Tax Administration.

How to form a VAT number

Only those persons and businesses who have been registered with the VAT Register are allowed to use VAT numbers.

You can generate your VAT number yourself from your Business ID “1234567-8" by adding a two-letter country code FI as a prefix and by omitting the dash. In this example, the VAT number would be FI12345678.

VAT numbers in international trade

When your VAT-liable business trades with a business registered for VAT in another EU member state, you provide your invoices with both your Business ID and your VAT number.

VAT number is ’ALV-numero’ in Finnish and ’momsnummer’ or ‘mervärdesskattenummer’ in Swedish.

Certificate of VAT liability for trading abroad

You can apply for a written certificate of your VAT liability. You can take care of this in MyTax.

Alternatively, you can call the Tax Administration’s telephone service on +35829 497 051 to apply for the certificate.