Notification of changes - other types of businesses and organizations
Other types of businesses and organizations include:
- foundations
- other foundations
- European Economic Interest Groupings, or interest groupings registered elsewhere that start a business in Finland
- European Companies (Societas Europaea)
- mutual insurance companies (read more further down the page)
- savings banks (read more further down the page)
- mortgage societies
- insurance associations
- state-owned businesses (public businesses)
- municipality
- joint municipal authority
- government and its bureaus
- tenant-owners' societies
- tax consortia (taxable groupings) (read more further down the page)
- agricultural traders and forestry traders (read more further down the page)
Notify about changes using paper form
File your notification using a paper form. Please scroll down for the forms. Fill in the form - either in Finnish or in Swedish - on your computer, then print it at A4 size, and send it to the address given on the form.
Most notifications of change to the Trade Register are subject to a fee. It is however free of charge to file changes to your address or contact details. See the prices on the PRH website.Open link in a new tab
Online notification of changes now available for savings banks and mutual insurance companies
Mutual insurance companies can notify us about changes to the following details either online or on paper
- Address and contact details
- Company name, parallel company names
- Auxiliary company names and their lines of business
- Accounting period
- Place of registered office
- Persons holding responsible positions: board of directors, auditors, house managers, holders of procuration, and persons authorised to represent the company
- Resignation or termination of your appointment if you have hold a responsible position in a company
- Line(s) of business to be reported to the Trade Register
- Capital details
- Articles of association
- Merger (absorption merger or subsidiary merger)
Log on to the online service.Open link in a new tab
Savings banks can notify us about changes to the following details either online or on paper
- Address and contact details
- Company name, parallel company names
- Auxiliary company names and their lines of business
- Accounting period
- Place of registered office
- Board of directors
- Auditors
- Managing director
- Holders of procuration
- Persons authorised to represent the bank
- Line(s) of business to be reported to the Trade Register
- Bylaws
- Main line of business to be reported to the Tax Administration
- Details entered in the VAT Register, Prepayment Register and Employer Register.
Log on to the online service.Open link in a new tab
Tax consortia - use our paper forms to file notifications with the Tax Administration
Youmust use paper form Y6 to report changes of tax consortia to theEmployer Register, the VAT Register and the Prepayment Register at theTax Administration.
A tax consortium is a group of two or more individuals, whose aim isto use, rent out, or farm a property. According to the nature of theiractivities, tax consortia are called agricultural, property or forestryconsortia.
Agricultural traders include independententrepreneurs engaged in agriculture and forestry, two spousesconducting the business together, or estates of deceased persons.
Forestry traders include private persons, two spouses together, or estates of deceased persons that own forest land.
Pleasescroll down for the forms. Fill in the form - either in Finnish or inSwedish - on your computer, then print it in A4 size, and send it to theaddress given on the form.
Please fill in the forms in Finnish or in Swedish.
- To file changes only with the Tax Administration, or changes to address or contact details only, use form Y4.
- To file changes only with the Tax Administration concerning a tax consortium, use form Y5.
- To file changes only with the Tax Administration concerning an agricultural trader or a forestry trader, use form Y6.
- To file most common changes, use form Y4, Appendix Form 14 in Finnish or in Swedish, and the Personal Data Form.
- To file changes with the Register of Foundations, use form Y4, and Appendix Form 17, 17A or 16A in Finnish or in Swedish.
- To file changes with the Trade Register concerning foundations, use form Y4.
Download paper forms
- Changes only to be filed with the Tax Administration, or changes to address or contact details only Y4 pdf
- Changes only to be filed with the Tax Administration - tax consortiums Y5 pdf
- Changes only to be filed with the Tax Administration - agricultural traders or forestry traders Y6 pdf
- Most common changes Y4 pdf
- Most common changes Appendix Form 14 in Finnish pdf
- Most common changes Appendix Form 14 in Swedish pdf
- Changes to be filed with the Register of Foundations - foundations Y4 pdf
- Changes to be filed with the Register of Foundations (under the new Foundations Act (487/2015)) Appendix Form 17A in Finnish pdf
- Changes to be filed with the Register of Foundations (under the new Foundations Act (487/2015)) Appendix Form 17A in Swedish pdf
- Foundations, supervisory board (under the new Foundations Act (487/2015)) Form in Finnish pdf
- Foundations, supervisory board (under the new Foundations Act (487/2015)) Form in Swedish pdf
- Foundations, merger (under the new Foundations Act (487/2015)) Appendix Form 16A in Finnish pdf
- Foundations, merger (under the new Foundations Act (487/2015)) Appendix Form 16A in Swedish pdf
- Changes to be filed with the Trade Register - foundations Y4 pdf