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Notification of termination - other types of businesses and organizations

Other types of businesses and organizations include:

  • foundations
  • European Economic Interest Groupings, or interest groupings registered elsewhere that start a business in Finland
  • European companies (Societas Europaea)
  • mutual insurance companies
  • savings banks
  • mortgage societies
  • insurance associations
  • state-owned businesses (public businesses)
  • municipality
  • joint municipal authority
  • government and its bureaus
  • tenant-owners' societies
  • tax consortia (taxable groupings)
  • agricultural traders and forestry traders

A tax consortium is a group of two or more individuals, whose aim is to use, rent out or farm a property. According to the nature of their activities, tax consortia are called agricultural, property or forestry consortia.

Agricultural traders include independent entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture and forestry, two spouses conducting the business together, or estates of deceased persons.

Forestry traders include private persons, two spouses together, or estates of deceased persons that own forest land.

Use our paper forms to file notifications

You must file this type of notification using paper forms, as it is not yet possible to do this online.

Always report the termination of a foundation to the Register of Foundations. Use form Y4 and appendix form 17 (only in Finnish and in Swedish) to file your notification.

If the foundation is also registered in the Trade Register, use paper form Y4 and appendix form 15 to report the termination.

If you wish, you can keep your business or organization in the Trade Register but remove it from the Tax Administration’s Employer Register, Prepayment Register and VAT Register. Use paper form Y4 (available only in Finnish and in Swedish) to report changes.

Other types of businesses and organizations report termination online or using paper form Y4 and appendix form 15 (only in Finnish and in Swedish).

Please scroll down to the forms and instructions. Download paper forms at the end of this page. Fill in the forms - either in Finnish or in Swedish - on your computer, then print it at A4 size, and send it to the address given on the form.

Notifications on terminating a business are free of charge.

Please fill in the forms in Finnish or in Swedish.

  • To notify termination of a foundation only with the Register of Foundations, use form Y4 and Appendix Form 17 or 17A in Finnish or in Swedish.
  • To notify termination of a foundation with the Trade Register, use form Y4 and Appendix Form 15 in Finnish or in Swedish.
  • To notify termination of other types of businesses and organizations, use form Y4 and Appendix Form 15 in Finnish or in Swedish.